Proxy and Reverse-Proxy are just networking terminology. It helps to visualize it as between client and server.
For simplicity Client
refers to
users with devices (computer/mobile/RaspBerryPi); and Server
refers to
computer/host that serves the content
Proxy: The Server
does not know who is the Client
Reverse-Proxy: The Client
does not know which one is the Server
Benefits of Proxy
- Anonymity
- Internet Service Provider generally does this
- Caching
- Block unwanted site
- GeoFancing (think of it as VPN. i.e.: NordVPN)
Benefits of Reverse-Proxy
- Load Balancing (server scaling up and down)
- Caching
- Isolating internal traffic
- Logging
- Canary development
Note: Read up on High Availability (HA Proxy)